Lion of Estepa 20th Anniversary
May 20th, 2022
Editing; Filming; Aerial filming; Photogrammetry; 3D modeling;
Report and analysis through photogrammetry of the archaeological site at Tajo Montero in Estepa, Sevilla. Coinciding with the XX Anniversary of the publication about the Lion of Estepa during the 5th Conference on the History of Estepa 'The Contemporary Era'.
For the development of this project, in addition to conventional filming, UAS (Unmanned Aerial Systems) and other devices have been used for environmental analysis and the creation of a three-dimensional model of the site. Additionally, an exportable format has been generated to visualize the area of interest in Google Earth.
In addition to this scaled three-dimensional model, three-dimensional models of some relevant objects have been developed, including the Stone Lion and some mill wheels like the one shown.
This has been a first project in which various highly specialized techniques have been tested using UAS technology, and in which the undiscovered historical heritage of the municipality of Estepa, Sevilla, has been highlighted.
We hope you like the report and share it on your social media platforms.